In Preparing for Birth with Yoga

This workshop will flow like an extended yoga class that gives us time to explore the yoga practices that really pave the way for birthing with ease. We will weave together a powerful container in which we can open ourselves to the inner well of resources that are deep within all of us. Our discussions, sharing of knowledge and physical practice will serve to nourish, cultivate and expand our confidence and the tool kit with which we step forward into birthing.


  • We will take an in depth look at the mechanics of the breath, it’s effect on the nervous system and how controlling our breath facilitates a powerful partnership with the birthing wisdom in our bodies.

I am often asked, “Is there a way that we are supposed to breathe during labour?” or “Does ‘breathing’ really work?”  The answer is YES but not necessarily in the ways that most people expect.   The way we breathe has a profound impact on us at ALL times.  The way our breath effects us and the ways in which we can control our breathing are profound.  Knowing about how the mechanisms of breathing work can be incredibly empowering when it comes to moving through the dynamic process of birth.

  • We will practice visualizations, meditation and deep relaxation to gain a deeper understanding of how our mental focus supports our bodies to function optimally.

Our understanding of the brain is minimal but as the field of neurosciences expands, what we are discovering has opened our eyes and minds to the possibility that our potential, the creative processes of our minds, seems to be powerful beyond measure.  Like the seemingly magical powers of the breath, the yogis of ancient past seemed to have discovered these states of higher consciousness  and the key to manifestation.  Where we place our attention, together with how we are breathing moment to moment is the key to aligning ourselves with the intelligence of our bodies and gives us access to tremendous creativity and resilience.

  • We will flow through a sequence of poses chosen for their ability to create strength, mobility and balance.  We will also look at positions and movements that help the baby navigate its way through the body with the greatest ease.

Being aware of our breath and where we have our attention as we move and come up against our physical edges, prepares our minds, our bodies and our hearts for the incredible mystery and work of birthing and mothering.  As tension releases and energy flows we are able to align ourselves with the creative impulse that births our babies and connects us deeply to our own power.


Saturday May 20
@ Yogaspace
140 Ossington Avenue
1:15 – 4:15 pm


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